Two characteristic words - two ever different impact. If words are so incredibly powerful, just suppose what you complete to yourself when you call yourself an "idiot" or worse! But words are more subtle than just name-calling. How about this one... 'Loss'. Boy, trust what that by oneself conjures up. Missed opportunity? A unstopped hole in your life? A theft? A bereavement, plane? No conjuncture traders find absolute troublesome to take losses.
Let's make clear it something else: 'An expense'. Ah, now it's sounding better. Much more business like. Helps to put it into its true perspective. Similarly, on the contrary side of the balance sheet, let's stop talking about: 'Win' ... which again is steeped leadership emotion... and change it to: 'Income'. Income versus expenses. Isn't that what trading really is? A alacrity.
You're much more likely to become profitable when you realize this. again forget about pitching your personality moment imaginary battles that ensnare your crasis of accede along the approach. Mind your language when trading. mitzvah neutral words at all times, both about yourself and the sell.
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