
Stock Market Trading Tip – Personal Balanced Stock Portfolios Guard Against Recession

Creating an evenly balanced investment portfolio by dividing assets among such diverse classes as stocks both foreign and domestic, bonds, mutual funds, real estate, cash equivalents, and private equity can help guard against recessions. Determining how much to invest in each asset group depends upon the investors individual situation and future needs.

Throughout most of American history it has been more profitable to invest in stocks rather than bonds. However, there have been times when stocks are unattractive compared to other assets. For example, right before the tech bubble burst in late 1999 these stocks had prices so high earnings yields were non-existent. The wary investor could have weathered this situation by diversifying stock investments into real estate investments or other types proven to be less risky.

Making major changes in ones portfolio should be done at various stages in the investors life. A young investor is less risk-averse, that is, he is less susceptible to market corrections for the simple fact that he has a lot of years left to make up for the losses. This investor is looking more to the long-term and wealth accumulation in the distant future. This investors portfolio would be mostly invested in the riskier assets such as carefully researched foreign and domestic stocks. Still, the young investor needs to have some balance to guard against market setbacks.

As retirement approaches, perhaps 10 years before, the investor should start diversifying holdings into income-oriented assets. These include government and corporate bonds that pay a fixed return rate on the investment. Certain blue chip stocks with long, proven track records of dividend payments can also be included as an income-oriented asset. Yearly, as retirement approaches, a larger percentage of the investors portfolio should be income-oriented until that total is 100% at retirement. After all, as an investor, the ultimate goal should be a comfortable retirement. Once at retirement the time to take risks is over and income must be guaranteed.
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