Used in connection with the share price, Abnormal Returns means a return to the portfolio over the return of the market portfolio. The contrast is the higher the yield, which means something different. Note that the normalization may be negative.
In finance, an Abnormal Return is the difference between the expected return of security and actual performance. Abnormal Return at times caused by "events." The events may include mergers, dividend announcements, announcement of results, increased interest rates, litigation, etc. that can help restore a normal society. Finance events can be classified as general requests and information that is not integrated in the market.
An Abnormal Return can be good or bad, because it is only a summary of how different the real rate of return. For example, you get 30% of the funds that will be an average of 10% per year creates a positive return of 20% to normal. If, however, the real return of 5% implies a negative return of 5%.
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