
William O'Neil

William O'Neil
William O'Neil is the legendary stockbroker who also is a stockbroker, entrepreneur, and author of America. He pioneered the use of computer analysis to look at the performance of stocks based on historical data to predict the current market trends. He also wrote several books about the stock market strategies that proved successful.

William O'Neil quickly became the company's broker, improving his own account more than 2000% in two years. His company, William O'Neil + Co., remains a national investment management and information brokerage company that exclusively specializes in providing data for the benefit of institutional investment.

O'Neil was born March 25, 1933 in Oklahoma City and raised in Texas. He studied business at Southern Methodist University, receiving a Bachelor's degree and served in the U.S. Air Force.

In 1960, he received at school Harvard Business School for Management Development (PMD).

In 1958 he began his career as a stockbroker at Hayden, Stone & Company, and develop investment strategies that utilize computer systems. Influential books in his life is "The Battle for Investment Survival" by Gerald Loeb. According to O'Neil, this is the best book on the market. Another investor who became a role model O'Neil was Bernard Baruch, Jesse Livermore, Gerald M. Loeb, Jack Dreyfus, and Nicolas Darvas. He was also greatly admired Thomas Edison. From his research, O'Neil found the CAN SLIM strategy and became the company's broker. He bought shares on the NYSE at the age of 30. In 1963 he founded William O'Neil + Co. Inc., a company that developed the first computer database on stocks in 1963/1964, and it is being created 200 data items to more than 10,000 companies.
In 1973, he founded the "O'Neil Data Systems, Inc.", to provide high-speed printing and database facilities.
In 1984, O'Neil made a study of its database as outlined in the release of Investor's Business Daily, a national business newspaper that has competed with The Wall Street Journal. In 1991, the name of the publication changed to Investor Daily. Ten years after being founded, it has a circulation Investor Daily as many as 149 557, by claiming "total readership" reached 850,000 (also expressed as "nearly 1,000,000 readers"), although in 2002, the Los Angeles Business Journal says that is not the Investor Daily newspaper moneymaker, and has had a decline in advertising spending.
O'Neil current activity is a conference speaker throughout the United States.


* On March 10, 2000, TJFR Group and MasterCard International to enter the name of William O'Neil as one of the 100 business leaders of this century.
* "Classic Award of Recognition" in 2002 from AEA, the largest group of high-tech industry in the United States.
* Award of the Stock Trader's Almanac 37th edition in 2004.
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